

When creativity and commerce converge the results are transformative for all. Our mission is to facilitate meaningful dialogue and purposeful partnerships between the arts and business communities, generating positive impact and cultivating a vibrant, creative, and resilient province like no other.

Join the community

For the Arts

Our services help artists and arts organizations improve their business practices, and connect them to the business community. Explore all we have to offer.

For Businesses

Find your path to connection and inspiration. Whether you’re looking to volunteer, engage an artist, attend an event, or learn more, we can connect you. 

Our Impact

  • $721,090

    In commissions, gigs, and sponsorships leveraged between business and arts.

  • 397+ Stories

    Published featuring arts/business collaborations in NL.

  • 544 Hours

    Of professional pro bono support delivered to the arts.

  • 327 Projects

    Commissions and arts partnerships supported.

Featured Programming

Spotlight on Partnerships